The Importance of Regular Well-Child Visits

As a parent, you want to make sure that you’re providing your child with the best care possible! This includes getting your child the care that they need even when they don’t seem sick. When you bring them to their pediatrician while they’re still healthy, you can ensure that there aren’t any issues going undiagnosed or untreated. You can also lessen the chance of your child dealing with a severe sickness in the near future. Dr. Samuel Puckett and Dr. Jennifer Sauceman at Newport Pediatrics in Newport, TN, can explain the importance of well-child visits and how they help protect your child.

Keeping Your Child Healthy with Well-Child Visits 

During a well-child visit, your child will have their height and weight, reflexes, heart rate, blood pressure, lungs, heart, vision, and hearing monitored. If there are any issues with things like weight, your pediatrician can give you suggestions on how to manage your child’s diet and what adjustments can be made. From there, they can also help you make sure that your child is getting enough exercise in their weekly routine.  

During a well-child visit, you can feel free to ask any questions you may have or voice any concerns you have about your child’s health. This can also help your pediatrician understand any issues they may have missed during evaluation. You can also make sure that your child is up to date on their vaccinations. If they’re missing any, you can discuss making them up as soon as possible.

During well-child visits, your pediatrician will also be monitoring certain aspects of your child’s overall development. This is important and they can keep an eye out for any concerning developmental delays that your child might be dealing with. If your child does have a developmental delay, you can learn how to make accommodations in life and help your child thrive each day.  

Contact Your Pediatrician Today! 

Through well-child visits, you can not only make sure that your child is healthy but also understand if there are any adjustments needed to keep them as healthy and happy as possible! Contact Dr. Samuel Puckett and Dr. Jennifer Sauceman at Newport Pediatrics in Newport, TN, to learn about well-child visits and how they can help your child! Call for more information and to schedule your visit today at (423) 623-0653.  

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